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In the News: Farming for the Future at Jalama Canyon Ranch

“We can bring this money to the table and protect their agriculture forever, but it’s also addressing climate resilience issues and economic vitality. It’s like a triple bottom-line win,” said Meredith Hendricks, executive director of The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County in an interview with the Santa Barbara Independent about the Land Trust’s role…

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In the News: Conserving Jalama Canyon Ranch

Jalama Canyon Ranch is now protected under a conservation easement held by the Land Trust for Santa Barbara County! The successful funding effort included state, local, and private entities, with the Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program (SALC) awarding the Land Trust a $1,782,500 grant to protect the 1,000-acre ranch in perpetuity. “When we conserve land…

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Why the Santa Barbara Independent is Calling Meredith Hendricks the Deal Maker

This Earth Day, Land Trust Executive Director Meredith Hendricks was named the Deal Maker in the Santa Barbara Independent’s cover story on eight of Santa Barbara County’s community environmental leaders… Read the full story here or below: Fresh Faces of Environmental Action for Earth Day

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Meredith Hendricks’ Ag Roots in Central Coast Farm & Ranch Magazine

Land Trust executive director Meredith Hendricks and her family’s agricultural roots are featured in an article by Kim Lamb Gregory in the latest issue of Central Coast Farm & Ranch Magazine! Shortly after becoming executive director of the Land Trust for Santa Barbara County in November, Meredith Hendricks visited the graves of her ancestors, who…

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In the News: Yellow Foxtrot a Win-Win for Ag and Endangered Species

The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County joined with private equity firm Homestead Capital and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in a mitigation agreement that provides a clear pathway to develop vineyard on the 684-acre property, while it conserves 320-acres of prime habitat in the Purisima Hills important to many wildlife species, especially the…

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Completed Conservation Easement on Lompoc Family Farm in the News

In early April, the Land Trust for Santa Barbara County purchased a 118-acre conservation easement near Lompoc from the Bob Campbell family, protecting critical habitat for federally endangered California tiger salamanders. California Department of Fish and Wildlife earmarked nearly $2 million in state conservation funding for the acquisition. The easement is a legal agreement between…

Picnic at the Preserve

Sunday, May 18, 2025

Celebrate 40 years of conservation at Arroyo Hondo Preserve! Enjoy local food & wine, hands-on activities, a live auction, and more!