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Habitat Restoration

Partnering with landowners, public agencies, foundations and local restoration specialists, the Land Trust has expanded and enhanced coastal wetlands and creeks, reduced erosion, controlled invasive weeds and planted tens of thousands of native trees, shrubs, and grasses throughout the county. Improving conditions for one or more native species positively impacts the entire ecosystem. Our projects range from small, volunteer-based workdays at Coronado Butterfly Preserve and Arroyo Hondo Preserve to a $2.4 million major overhaul of 35 acres in the West Goleta Slough.


Help shape our county’s future.

Iconic views, locally grown food, fresh water, clean air, recreation access, thriving wildlife habitat—it’s all here in Santa Barbara County and when you give to the Land Trust, you invest in the protection of the places you love.

Picnic at the Preserve

Sunday, May 18, 2025

Celebrate 40 years of conservation at Arroyo Hondo Preserve! Enjoy local food & wine, hands-on activities, a live auction, and more!