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The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County has preserves, programs, and materials available to teachers and schools to create immersive nature experiences for children. The following is a list of resources specific to Land Trust nature preserves.


Arroyo Hondo Preserve is an ideal field trip setting to learn about riparian habitats, watersheds, food chains, Chumash and California history, geology, and wildlife. Facilities at the Preserve include picnic tables, bus parking, restrooms, trails and open space to explore. There is limited wheelchair accessibility.

Field Trips. Arroyo Hondo is open on Mondays and Wednesdays for free school and community tours with required reservations. Contact Education Coordinator Sally Isaacson at [email protected] or make school group reservations here

Coastal Sage Scrub: a Fragile Habitat, is an educational short film with an introduction to the habitat found in several of our Land Trust projects and properties, including Arroyo Hondo.


The Mystery and the Magic Curriculum Guide K-6, introduces students to concepts of interdependence of plants, animals, and their habitat—including Western Monarch butterflies—and encourages students to participate in conservation. Email [email protected] for the free guide.  

Outdoor Classroom: An outdoor classroom features log seating, interpretive displays, a native plant garden, and access to the Goleta Monarch Butterfly Grove, where tens of thousands of Monarch butterflies have historically come to overwinter, generally from the beginning of December through the middle of February. Visit Coronado Butterfly Preserve for more information. 


The Carpinteria Salt Marsh film, Story of a Marsh Park, explains the history of the marsh, human impact on natural systems and the benefits of habitat restoration. Email [email protected] for the film. 

Carpinteria Salt Marsh Nature Park Docent Program leads school and community groups on educational walks through the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Nature Park. Contact the City of Carpinteria, Parks & Recreation Department to learn more. 


Sedgwick Reserve’s Kids in Nature program introduces under-served 4th to 6th graders to science and the environment. Contact Sedgwick Reserve to learn more. 

Note: These preserves are natural areas with hazards such as uneven trails, flowing creeks, ticks, rattlesnakes, poison oak and potential wildfires. Visitors are advised that the Land Trust for Santa Barbara County assumes no responsibility or liability for exposure to or harm from natural hazards.


Help shape our county’s future.

Iconic views, locally grown food, fresh water, clean air, recreation access, thriving wildlife habitat—it’s all here in Santa Barbara County and when you give to the Land Trust, you invest in the protection of the places you love.

Picnic at the Preserve

Sunday, May 18, 2025

Celebrate 40 years of conservation at Arroyo Hondo Preserve! Enjoy local food & wine, hands-on activities, a live auction, and more!